31 Mart 2008 Pazartesi


-Origin of Engineering & Begining of Engineering Education:
In the Middle Ages professional schools were trying to provide training and education in areas of importance to society, so some of the schools started to study on medicine and law.After that society's needs turned more practical and advanced, so enginneering became the most important need.The first engineers were in military, they were employed by the government for roads,bridges and fortifications. France is the first country in the world founded school of engineering in the middle of the 18th century. By the turn of the Century, France had established military and polytechnic schools to teach engineering that produced such notables as Laplace, Lagrange, and Fourier. In addition The USA is the first one established first school that offered enginnering education in 1802.This school were interested in civil engineering and still exist today.
-Engineering as a profession
In my opinion engineering as a profession is different from the others because they approach problems by using mathematic, since and economic systems.They are interesested in mechanics, production bu not people.Their first aim is to be benefial for people by using technology and developin this technology.They provide this situation by using science of physics and mathematics.
-What Engineers Do:
Engineers are bridge betwwen science and work life.Engineers solve the problems by using science and technology.They apply to mathematics, science, and computers to model real life situations and solve problems.Some engineers may design cardiac pacemakers while others may design skyscrapers or computer programs, but they might all be using the same computing environments and mathematical methods! It is very important to note that even though the tasks are very different, many of the methods used are common to all engineers.
-Types of Engineers:
...Aeronautical or Astronautical engineers-
Study jet engines and aircraft design. They may also work on applications for space missions.
...Agricultural engineers-
Design farm equipment, animal shelters, crop systems, and product processing systems.
...Chemical engineers-
Develop processes and products made with chemicals perhaps in the food, petroleum, or pharmaceutical industries.
...Civil engineers-
Design roads, buildings, transportation systems, and other large-scale construction projects. Categories within this area may include structural, environmental, geological, hydraulic, transportation and construction engineering.
...Electrical and computer engineers-
Design, construct, and maintain electronic systems, which may include working with computer chips, circuits and electronic communications.
...Geological engineers-
Solves earth related technical problems while at the same time protecting the environment.
...Industrial engineers-
Plan and design industrial and business facilities for the best product quality and employee working conditions. Industrial engineering is different form the other types of engineering.
Industrail engineer have to include the human factor.We can define industrial engineering as a bridge between people and other types of engineering.Most of the work of industrial engineers can be collected under four subtitle;
i)Those related to plant layout
ii)Those designed to increase worker productivity
iii)Those designed to control the quality of products
iv)Those designed to reduce and control costs
...Materials engineers-
Study metals, ceramics, plastics, and composites to design materials for applications that may involve transportation, communication or power production.
...Mechanical engineers-
Create machines and may work on transportation systems, power production or performance analysis.
...Nuclear engineers-
Work with nuclear reactors, fusion and radiation applications.

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