1 What is a “problem”?
Problem is a difficult question or situation that needs to be solved and has an unclear, unknown answer. In science, problem is the important part of an experiment or solving a problem, because before the answer a scientist has to know what the problem is.
Sources: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/define.asp?key=63066&dict=CALD
2 What does ” method” mean?
Method is an orderly process or procedure which is used during the task. It purposes to use time efficiently and reach the solution in the shortest way.
What does ” methodology” mean?
Methodology is a body of all methods, rules and procedures which are used in the same area with a discipline.
Sources: http://www.brainyquote.com/words/me/method189741.html
3 What does “theory” mean?
Theory is a combination of principles and statements to explain the group of facts or phenomena. Theory is a type of hypothesis with some differences. The biggest difference is theory is accepted and tested by most of the scientist but hypothesis is not as acceptable as theory.
What does “hypothesis” mean?
Hypothesis is a tentative assumption which is used to explain a scientific problem, observation or phenomenon. Hypothesises are temporary solutions for scientific problems, so it has some properties (scope, conservatism, testability, simplicity and fruitfulness). If hypothesis can not solve the problem it can be changed and scientist must start from the beginning of the experiment.
What does “paradigm” mean?
Paradigm is the angle of understanding the world. In science, Thomas Kuhn was the first person used the paradigm as values, rules and beliefs. In other words paradigm is a notion accepted by most of the scientist and the other people who interest in the same field.
Sources: http://www.allwords.com/query.php?SearchType=3&Keyword=theory&Language=ENG
4 What is “strategy “?
Strategy is an approach to problems to accomplish a specific goal. In other words, it can be thought as a plan which makes a problem easier to understand and solve.
What is “plan”?
Plan is a scheme or method which is organized to accomplish a project or an object. It is an arrangement of the actions with discipline in order to bring a business in a successful conclusion.
What is “control”?
Control is an action to check or test by experiments or proofs. For example control is used for testing the truth of a hypothesis.
Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategy
5 What is “model”?
Model can be defined as a representation of a system which allows investigate the properties of the system or predict the future. Generally model is used for technical or quantitative analysis.
What is “snowball effect”?
Snowball effect is a process which starts from an initial small and becomes much larger than its initial situation. Generally snowball effect is dangerous but it may be beneficial.
What is “waterfall diagram”?
Waterfall diagram is a specific diagram that determines the linear flow in a progressive nature.
Sources: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/model
6 What does “validation/validity” mean?
Validation is a confirmation of something which fulfils the requirements for a specific use. In other words it can be seen as strength of your conclusions.
What does “significance” mean?
Significance in science is a measure of something’s truth. For example, in measurements much less values are known more significance.
What does “reliability” mean?
In science reliability is the accomplishment probability of a system or solution to a problem for a stated of time. In other words reliability is to have the same results for an experiment in the same situations which is specified in the original one.
What does “relevance” mean?
A score assigned to a search result, representing how ell the result matches the search query. In many cases, a result’s relevance determines the order in which the result is presented to the user.
Sources: http://www.kwaliteg.co.za/quality/Validation.htm
7 What is an “event”?
Event can be defined as occurrence in the specific time and area. Put another way, it is an action of significance on a task or program.
What is a “process”?
Simply, it is what happens from the beginning to the end. On the other hand it is series of actions that contribute to an aim sequentially, or a set of things which represent the path of the actions.
What is a “life cycle”?
Life cycle of a product or an organization is a development process or different stages process from the beginning of production to the end of the usefulness of product.
Sources: http://www.learnthat.com/define/view.asp?id=6014
8 What does “iterative” mean?
It is a procedure of repeating. Iteration is a process that repetition of the previous steps until reach the accomplishment.
What does “sequence” mean?
Sequence is a following of a situation to another one or continuity of progression. These situations are related to each other.
Sources: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/iterative
30 Mayıs 2008 Cuma
5 Mayıs 2008 Pazartesi
31 Mart 2008 Pazartesi
-Origin of Engineering & Begining of Engineering Education:
In the Middle Ages professional schools were trying to provide training and education in areas of importance to society, so some of the schools started to study on medicine and law.After that society's needs turned more practical and advanced, so enginneering became the most important need.The first engineers were in military, they were employed by the government for roads,bridges and fortifications. France is the first country in the world founded school of engineering in the middle of the 18th century. By the turn of the Century, France had established military and polytechnic schools to teach engineering that produced such notables as Laplace, Lagrange, and Fourier. In addition The USA is the first one established first school that offered enginnering education in 1802.This school were interested in civil engineering and still exist today.
-Engineering as a profession:
In my opinion engineering as a profession is different from the others because they approach problems by using mathematic, since and economic systems.They are interesested in mechanics, production bu not people.Their first aim is to be benefial for people by using technology and developin this technology.They provide this situation by using science of physics and mathematics.
-What Engineers Do:
Engineers are bridge betwwen science and work life.Engineers solve the problems by using science and technology.They apply to mathematics, science, and computers to model real life situations and solve problems.Some engineers may design cardiac pacemakers while others may design skyscrapers or computer programs, but they might all be using the same computing environments and mathematical methods! It is very important to note that even though the tasks are very different, many of the methods used are common to all engineers.
-Types of Engineers:
...Aeronautical or Astronautical engineers-
Study jet engines and aircraft design. They may also work on applications for space missions.
...Agricultural engineers-
Design farm equipment, animal shelters, crop systems, and product processing systems.
...Chemical engineers-
Develop processes and products made with chemicals perhaps in the food, petroleum, or pharmaceutical industries.
...Civil engineers-
Design roads, buildings, transportation systems, and other large-scale construction projects. Categories within this area may include structural, environmental, geological, hydraulic, transportation and construction engineering.
...Electrical and computer engineers-
Design, construct, and maintain electronic systems, which may include working with computer chips, circuits and electronic communications.
...Geological engineers-
Solves earth related technical problems while at the same time protecting the environment.
...Industrial engineers-
Plan and design industrial and business facilities for the best product quality and employee working conditions. Industrial engineering is different form the other types of engineering.
Industrail engineer have to include the human factor.We can define industrial engineering as a bridge between people and other types of engineering.Most of the work of industrial engineers can be collected under four subtitle;
i)Those related to plant layout
ii)Those designed to increase worker productivity
iii)Those designed to control the quality of products
iv)Those designed to reduce and control costs
...Materials engineers-
Study metals, ceramics, plastics, and composites to design materials for applications that may involve transportation, communication or power production.
...Mechanical engineers-
Create machines and may work on transportation systems, power production or performance analysis.
...Nuclear engineers-
Work with nuclear reactors, fusion and radiation applications.
In the Middle Ages professional schools were trying to provide training and education in areas of importance to society, so some of the schools started to study on medicine and law.After that society's needs turned more practical and advanced, so enginneering became the most important need.The first engineers were in military, they were employed by the government for roads,bridges and fortifications. France is the first country in the world founded school of engineering in the middle of the 18th century. By the turn of the Century, France had established military and polytechnic schools to teach engineering that produced such notables as Laplace, Lagrange, and Fourier. In addition The USA is the first one established first school that offered enginnering education in 1802.This school were interested in civil engineering and still exist today.
-Engineering as a profession:
In my opinion engineering as a profession is different from the others because they approach problems by using mathematic, since and economic systems.They are interesested in mechanics, production bu not people.Their first aim is to be benefial for people by using technology and developin this technology.They provide this situation by using science of physics and mathematics.
-What Engineers Do:
Engineers are bridge betwwen science and work life.Engineers solve the problems by using science and technology.They apply to mathematics, science, and computers to model real life situations and solve problems.Some engineers may design cardiac pacemakers while others may design skyscrapers or computer programs, but they might all be using the same computing environments and mathematical methods! It is very important to note that even though the tasks are very different, many of the methods used are common to all engineers.
-Types of Engineers:
...Aeronautical or Astronautical engineers-
Study jet engines and aircraft design. They may also work on applications for space missions.
...Agricultural engineers-
Design farm equipment, animal shelters, crop systems, and product processing systems.
...Chemical engineers-
Develop processes and products made with chemicals perhaps in the food, petroleum, or pharmaceutical industries.
...Civil engineers-
Design roads, buildings, transportation systems, and other large-scale construction projects. Categories within this area may include structural, environmental, geological, hydraulic, transportation and construction engineering.
...Electrical and computer engineers-
Design, construct, and maintain electronic systems, which may include working with computer chips, circuits and electronic communications.
...Geological engineers-
Solves earth related technical problems while at the same time protecting the environment.
...Industrial engineers-
Plan and design industrial and business facilities for the best product quality and employee working conditions. Industrial engineering is different form the other types of engineering.
Industrail engineer have to include the human factor.We can define industrial engineering as a bridge between people and other types of engineering.Most of the work of industrial engineers can be collected under four subtitle;
i)Those related to plant layout
ii)Those designed to increase worker productivity
iii)Those designed to control the quality of products
iv)Those designed to reduce and control costs
...Materials engineers-
Study metals, ceramics, plastics, and composites to design materials for applications that may involve transportation, communication or power production.
...Mechanical engineers-
Create machines and may work on transportation systems, power production or performance analysis.
...Nuclear engineers-
Work with nuclear reactors, fusion and radiation applications.
My choice is Henry Ford.While I decide this choice his whealtness does not attrect me so much .The most important reason is that Henry Ford knew what he wanted from life and he went on doing his belief so that he became one of the most successful people in the world.Being a poineer of an important thing for the people needs very much self-confident, strong belief and endless determination.These three main things were in Henry Ford and they are the important things for my life.
Henry Ford was born in July 30, 1863 as a first one of the six children.He grow up in Michigan as a farmer's son.he disliked being a farmer, he interested in machine.He worked at the very young age(he was 16 yeas old).After he worked as an apprentice machinist in Detroit for 3 years, he wont back his hometown.In 1891 Henry Ford became an engineer with the Edison Illumating Company in Detroit.He became Chief Engineer in 1893 sucht that he started to focus on his personal experiments and earn enough money.These experiments concluded in 1896 with the completion oh his own self-propelled vehicle, the Quadricycle.The Quadricycle had four wire wheels that looked like heavy bicycle wheels, was steered with a tiller like a boat, and had only two forward speeds with no reverse.
The Ford Motor Company was incorporated in 1903 with henry Ford as vice-resident and chief engineer.He realized his dream of producing an automobile that was resaonably priced, reliable, adn efficien with the introduction of the model T in 1908.In 1918 ,half of cars in America were model Ts.In additon his a founder of Fordism.Fordism is a management theory that is, the mass production of large numbers of inexpensive automobiles using the assembly line, coupled with high wages for his workers. Ford had a global vision, with consumerism as the key to peace.Henry Ford also implemented Frederick Taylor’s Scientific Management Principles into his factory and there was a big earn from time and motion
The Ford Motor Company was incorporated in 1903 with henry Ford as vice-resident and chief engineer.He realized his dream of producing an automobile that was resaonably priced, reliable, adn efficien with the introduction of the model T in 1908.In 1918 ,half of cars in America were model Ts.In additon his a founder of Fordism.Fordism is a management theory that is, the mass production of large numbers of inexpensive automobiles using the assembly line, coupled with high wages for his workers. Ford had a global vision, with consumerism as the key to peace.Henry Ford also implemented Frederick Taylor’s Scientific Management Principles into his factory and there was a big earn from time and motion
19 Mart 2008 Çarşamba
Frank Bunker Gilberth and his wife Lillian Moller Gilbert developed industrial management techniques and symbols which still use today.Frank Bunker Gilberth was born in 1868.He was an American engineer and a lecturer in Perdue University.He married with Lillian Moller Gilbert in 1904 who was industrial psychologist.She was born in 1878 in California and graduated from University of California, Berkeley.She was a professor at Purdue University, The Newark Colloge of Engineering and University of Wisconsin-Madison.
These American married couple were pioneer of the industrial enginnering, they took advantages of themselves and were attracted by Taylor's studies,so they found the beneficial and efficient motions at the work.They studied on the work habits of manufacturing and clerical employees to find the ways to be efficient to make their jobs easier.Lillian Gilberth reduced all motions to the 17 basic motions and these included grasp,hold, transport loaded, searching and assembling.These time and motions were called therbligs by L.M.Gilberth.Their basic motins method were used in building trade, education, medicine and army.
Although the Gilberths started everything after Taylor's studies, tthere was a difference between the Gilberths and Taylor.Taylorism was concerned on the reducing the time of process but the Gilberths try to be efficent by reducing the motions involved.After the therbligs, Lillian Moller Gilberth was called as the mother of the modern management.
Abraham Harold Maslow was born and raised in Brooklyn,New York in 1908.He was the eldest of the seven children.His father persued him law and he went, but later he stoped his law education and started to study on psychology at the University of Winsconsin.At Winsconsin and Columbia University he pursued investigating primate dominance behavior and sexulaity.
Maslow was on the faculty of Brooklyn Colloge from 1937 to 1951.He found two adviser Ruth Benedict and Freudian psychologist Max Wertheimer.Maslow was taking notes about them and their behavior.Maslow saw human needs like a ledder; at the bottom of the ladder there is physical( water, food, air, sex).Then came safety needs security, stability and these step is followed by psychological,social needs.At the top of this ladder there is self-actualizing needs.Benedict and Wertheimer were examples of Maslow's self-actualizing model.Self-actualizing people tend to focus on the problems outside of themselves , are spotaneous and creative.Maslow was a proffesor at Brandeis University from 1951- to 1969 then he became a resident fellow of the Laughlin Institute in California.He died of a heart attack in California in 1970.
Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs:
Maslow classified human's needs as "conative needs","cognitive needs", and " aesthetic needs".Maslow hierarchy of needs are arranged in terms of their potency. Four layers of the pyramid from the bottom to top are called "deficiency needs" or "D-needs:" the individual does not feel anything if they are met, but feels anxious if they are not met. Needs beyond the D-needs are "growth needs," "being values," or "B-needs."B-needs are Wholeness/Unity/Oneness Perfection/Just-so-ness Completion/Finality/Ending Justice/Fairness Aliveness/Full-Functioning Richness/Intricacy Simplicity/Essential/Honesty Beauty/Form/Richness Goodness/Oughtness Uniqueness/Idiosyncrasy/Novelty Effortlessness/Ease/Perfect Playfulness/Joy/Humor Truth/Reality/Beauty/Pure Self-Sufficiency/Indepe.The second level needs are safety and security.The third level is the need for love and belonging.The fourth level is the esteem needs.Esteem needs are self esteem,confidence, achivements,respect of others,respect by others.The top level of the pyramid is slef-actualization.
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